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发布者:  [发表时间]:2022-09-12  [来源]:    [浏览次数]:




长期从事工程结构分析、结构耐久性与安全评估等研究工作。作为主要参与人参与国家自然科学基金项目(512082461陕西省混凝土结构安全与耐久性重点实验室基金项目XJKFJJ2019021,以及企业委托项目多项。获辽宁省教学成果三等奖(排名第三)1辽宁省高等教育学会第八届(2017年)学术年会暨中青年学者论坛征文评选活动二等奖1项、指导学生参加辽宁省普通高等学校大学生结构设计竞赛获二等奖3项、指导学生参加辽宁省省级大学生创新创业项目1项。参与编制行业标准《加气混凝土用铁尾矿》(YB/T 4774-20191部,申请实用新型专利3项,BIM技术应用基础》、《BIM应用与建模基础教材2部。

一. 代表性论文


2Tong Zhang, Xuetao Lyu, Yang Yu. Prediction and Analysis of the Residual Capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Stub Columns under Axial Compression Subjected to Combined Freeze–Thaw Cycles and Acid Rain Corrosion[J]. Materials, 2019(12): 3070.(SCI 中科院3)

3Zhang Tong, Lyu Xuetao, Liu Haiqing, etc..Axial performance degradation of squared CFST stubs in severe cold and acid rain area[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2020,262.(SCI  中科院1)

4Zhang Tong, Lyu Xuetao, Liu Haiqing, etc.. Analysis of finite element mechanism of axial compressive behavior of T-shaped stiffened concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns after uniform fire exposure[J]. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2021,03.17.(SCI 中科院4)

5Lyu X, Zhang L, Zhang T, et al. Prediction and Analysis of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Square CFST Long Column under Eccentric Compression after Acid Rain Corrosion[J]. Materials, 2021, 14(10): 2568. (SCI  中科院3)

6Lyu X, Zhang T, Liu F, et al. Behaviours of stiffened concrete-filled thin-walled square steel tubular stub columns after non-uniform fire exposure[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 188: 107031. (SCI  中科院2)

7张童, 刘海卿,吕学涛. 模拟北方酸雨对Q235钢腐蚀力学行为的试验研究[J]. 材料保护, 20224. (CSCD)

8Zhang T, Wen Q, Gao L, et al. Analytical Hysteretic Behavior of Square Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Pier Columns under Alternate Sulfate Corrosion and Freeze-Thaw Cycles[J]. Materials, 2022, 15(9): 3099. (SCI  中科院3)

二. 著作或教材



三. 获得荣誉


